The most important aspect of inner work is understanding that it isn’t a one-time done deal. Without doubt you will receive major breakthroughs and growth through experiencing the inner dynamic process. Even if just one session. Be warned, starting an inner journey and connecting with all of who you are, is the beginning of a new kind of relationship with yourself. As with any relationship, building trust is necessary and needed. Self trust requires patience, understanding, your honesty, and to be open to see yourself and let your inner self be heard.

Our sessions together are intimate, safe, and healing. I help guide you to go deeper. Deeper into your healing heart and programmed mind. Deeper into your greatest power, your inner wisdom. Your inner journey is unique and it is about activating your love. Love is an energy that heals regardless of what you have been through or currently are experiencing.

Learning to embody love, truth, will elevate your vibration, deepen your own connection, and set you on your spiritual path of unconditional love for your life and yourself.

Are you ready for the most rewarding journey you will ever take?


Inner dynamics is a proven coaching process helping you meet and learn more about yourself. To understand how your life experiences have shaped you and created triggers which connect to the inner child wounding which needs to be transformed into wisdom, talent, and abundance!

Many people who come to me, have tried many other modalities to heal and grow. Once they begin to work with their internal landscape (shadow work and inner child work) they often experience insights quickly, gain fast breakthroughs and turnarounds which didn’t take months and years. It can happen in weeks, days, even minutes.


The key to healing yourself begins with ending the internal conflict. This internal battle sucks your energy, causes you to feel angry, frustrated, and depressed. There are parts of you that can be causing you to behave in negative and destructive ways. Ways in which you may struggle to understand. Procrastination for example really is only holding a person back from taking actions in alignment with thier truth.

The issue that develops is not realizing what actually is going on internally, and so you think you need to try even harder to either ignore, fix or push these parts of yourself away. All of which don't work because they are you, well a pa rt of you. Never should a part of you be ignored, pushed away, or considered as something that needs fixing. You need only one thing, for this part of you to be UNDERSTOOD.

Most of our problems occur when we choose to judge, hate, fear, or shame parts of ourselves.

Everyone desires to be loved, heard, and accepted, including the many different parts of you. When you choose to start listening, loving, and accepting all of you, your life will get better and better.


End your self-sabotaging behavior, procrastination, and many other negative habits.
Remove overwhelm, burnout, and the feeling of being stuck in your life.
Retrieve energy wasted on inner battles so you can once again feel vitality.
Unlock your innate gifts and feeling of abundance that shadow parts of you have been blocking.
Gain a new sense of clarity and confidence in the REAL YOU emerging.
Activate your inner knowing of self-worth so you ask for what you need, set and maintain strong boundaries, and strive for what you truly want out of life without shame, guilt, or blame.
Own and be in alignment your truth, each and every day fully loving all of you.
And really so much more…


Seeking The treasure Within

Your journey helps to uncover the unconscious patterns of fear. The triggers which steal your power and your ability to create a life you personally and professionally only dream about.

I help you shine light into the darker areas of your subconscious where protective parts of your personality live, operate, and often controlling many of your behaviors.

Discover the many masks’ that block the deeper authentic energy trying to emerge.

I help you begin an inner dialoge with the *many masks* to understand them and learn from them so they may aid you in creating the life you came here to live. You learn what each of them needs from you to heal, and how you get them working for you, not against you!

By illuminating your inside world you reveal what really is going on. Reconnecting and reintegrating the abandoned, lost parts of you, helps uncover gifts and talents that reside in you. You shall begin to notice a new sense of power emerging, mental clarity, authentic confidence, aswell as a forceful purpose which goes beyond what you ever thought was possible. Plus, relationships change both personally and professionally as you begin to interact from a new empowered place.

Imagine just for a moment what impact and possibilities this can have on your life.

My focus s to improve how you relate to yourself. My coaching targets the CORE AREA of struggle you are dealing with. I help you receive insights and breakthroughs about what you need to do differently in becoming more loving with yourself and loving your life. You have a relationship with everything in your life. The most important relationship you have is the one with you, as you are the root through which your life essence flows.

You are a whole being of many parts, some of which are referred to as the shadow self. Relationships with others, especially intimate and ongoing relationships, most often is where the shadow self frequently tends to show up and where you feel you most intense emotions. It is important therefore to understand and know why this projection and reflection process happens.

All the conflicts and dramas you feel play out on the big screen within your mind. They are projections of the many various storylines you have stored in your subconscious. For this reason, I help you update, rewrite and reshape your story and your characters, so your inner light may shine brighter.

Benefits of inner dynamic coaching include:

Improved relationships

Increased confidence

Greater clarity

Own your truth

Releases shame, guilt, and blame.