The self healing and acceptance PATH



Hello and welcome with here!

My guess for landing on this page is because you are ready to nourish a whole and emotionally balanced life you love.

Investing time and energy into transforming yourself is an act of love towards yourself.

I congratualte you.

Please know this self healing and acceptance path is a journey of inner improvement and greater connection that is always moving you on from where you are currently at a pace that is right for you towards a life you love.


The Self Healing & Acceptance Path

1. PRESENT LIFE ASSESSMENT: Get clarity on where you are now, where you desire to be, as well as what your strengths/weakeness and core values are. You will see the blocks that are stopping you achieving all you desire. (Goals)

2. FUTURE FOCUS: Get a clear vision of the life you desire and who and what you need to become to experience this reality.

(Personal WHY).

3. LOOKING INTO YOUR PAST: Uncover your self limiting beliefs to access your true potential. (Personal Truth)

4. HOW PRESENT IS YOUR PAST: Release with love what doesn't belong to you . Feel and think healthier about yourself.

(Self love & acceptance)

5. REWRITE YOUR STORY: Reframe negatives into positives. YOu will feel more empowered, secure and grounded with

yourself. (Self Esteem)

6. RULE BREAKER: Reeducate the inner critic to be an inner coach. (Mindfulness)

7. SELF MASTERY: Tap into your inner resources and understand your inner guidance (Mind body connection)


8. SELF CARE: Get more energy, inspiration and confidence as you go about your daily business (Self love and respect)

9. PERSONAL BOUNDARIES: Learn how to set healthy boundaries and become more open to be seen and heard (Increase your self worth)

Using neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness and meditation, a good dose of TLC, my 9 step signature coaching progran, is a journey to help you . It is a journey back home to yourself. To remembering your inner power. A guide, a map to get to know yourself more deeply . To learn how to use your fears as knowledge and inspiration instead of roadblocks . To learn you how to use your past as stepping stones into your future of possiblities. To learn you how to listen, honor and love your ego , inner child, shadow and critic, instead of judging and resisting those parts of you with each and every thought. This program helps you truly understand, celebrate and own all parts of yourself. To fully love your life and live a life of love. There is only one true way to get there - to connect and master your true inner self!


1- 1 Coaching

2 x 90 minute sessions per month

During this 4 month coaching period you will recieve personalized individual coaching, tools, tips, and strategies to walk through 1-7 steps and begin to create the life you love.

Included: Workbooks, exercises, meditations, visualizations

Regular Investment: $3597

Limited Discounted Special:* $1797

*Monthly payment plan available


1 - 1 Coaching

2 x 90 min sessions per month

During the 9 month coaching period you will recieve personalized individual coaching, tools, tips, and strategies to walk through 1-7 steps and begin to create the life you love.

BONUS: Steps 8 & 9

Included: Workbooks, exercises, meditations, visualizations

Regular Investment: $7427

Limited Discounted Special:* $3697

*Monthly payment plan available


Group Coaching

2 x 90 minute sessions per month

During this group coaching period you will receive tools, tips and strategies to walk through the 1-7 steps. Benefit from masterminding and create new powerful relationships.


Included: Workbooks, exercises, meditations, visualizations

Regular Investment: $4997

Limited Discounted Special:* $1997

*Monthly payment plan available - Next coaching program will be in 2023


Growing into your unique expression is your responsibility!


"Listening to what makes you feel good and taking action upon it is heartcenterd self leadership" - Rachel G

When connected to love, how you look at life changes. You see through a new lens giving you a different perspective and life begins to truly shift for the better. Instead of you living life from a limited place, you start tapping into something far greater and bigger than anything you ever thought you were.

The inner power of your true self wants to fully express it's uniqueness. Learning how to access this inner power helps you nurture your wholeness and in return life responds in many magical ways. As I began really connecting with love, to my true self, my life began to shift in small but noticeable ways every day, every week, month by month, year by year and still is continuing to unfold.

However, when disconnected from love you often feel stuck in the grips of your inner critic. It can feel as if a purpose driven life is something only to dream about. For the never ending list of reasons keep flooding in to remind you why it's not possible! Not only is it frustrating, it creates enough self doubt that you procastinate on your true desires.

Experiencing a break up or a transition can leave you feeling disoriented and unsure which step is the next best step to take. Your inner critic questions your every step and you so you end up no taking any at all. Self-doubt sets in . You feel anxious and paralyzed when it comes to making any sort of decision because you FEAR making the wrong choice.

You just wish you had the trust, faith, confidence, and the belief in yourself and your life to stay focused on your why, your goals and your priorities.


I know you can release yourself from self-imposed limitations which you have encased yourself in.

I know you can unleash more of your true potential.

I know because I have been through many tranistions; I emigrated to another country, two divorces, and a long term relationship break up, loosing my best friend of 26yrs to breast cancer, to mention a few.

I know as I was once was a victim, and a slave to "the beast " that live in my head, to its negative conditioning. In fact it was my daily experience. Not anymore, I am happy to say.

Today I love, know, and accept myself. I have learnt that to ceate a life of love, compassion and purpose, it needs to be rooted in love for yourself. This is what keeps you strong, healthy and balanced.


2 x 90 minute sessions per month

During this 4 month coaching period you will recieve personalized individual coaching, tools, tips, and strategies to walk through 1-7 steps and begin to create the life you love.


2 x 90 min sessions per month

During the 9 month coaching period you will recieve personalized individual coaching, tools, tips, and strategies to walk through 1-7 steps and begin to create the life you love.

BONUS: Steps 8 & 9


2 x 90 minute sessions per month

During this group coaching period you will receive tools, tips and strategies to walk through the 1-7 steps. Benefit from masterminding and create new powerful relationships.

BONUS: STEPS 8 & 9 ( Next Group Coaching will be in 2023)

How do you wake up most days?

Do you wake up feeling ALIVE and SHINING, tapped into positive energies such as: Purposefulness, Empowerment, Joyful, and Gratefulness?

Or are you waking up feeling UNALIVE and GLOOMY, tapped into the negative energies such as: Tiredness, Irritability, Defeated, Miserableness, and Failure?

When you are disempowered , you feel like a victim. You have become a slave to your conditioning and to the programs and patterns that keep you from your true nature.

This victim mentality also creates negative energy in your body; a breeding ground for repressed emotions.


A life of love, compassion and purpose

Move beyond doubt, fears and insecurities

Ready to Stop ?

Struggling to break-free from the slavery of past patterns and programs

Judging and comparing yourself to others on a regular basis. Spinning your wheels trying to figure out what action to take next.

Overwhelmed and confused with all the noise in your head on what to do, how to do it, and who you need to be to become successful.

Exhausted from and drowning in the huge amounts of pressure you impose on yourself to be available for everyone but yourself.

Disconnected from yourself and your intuition. Listening more to the opinions, advice and strategies of others, rather than to yourself.

Playing it small because that feels safer.

Take purposeful, courageous and inspired action

Ready to Start?

True self-mastery

Consciously choosing balance in being and doing, resting and taking action, leaning in and stepping back.

To know, accept and love yourself.

To be empowered , secure , and grounded .

Tapping into your inner resources and guidance .

Reeducate your inner critic to become more your inner coach .

Having more energy , inspiration and confidence as you go about your daily business.

Being seen and heard.

To take responsibility for creating the future you want.

Here are just a few of what my clients have to say about our time together...

'I highly recommend getting coaching from Rachel. Her natural abilities to listen deeply and to ask thought-provoking questions have helped me a lot. Her versatile coaching style has led me to eye-opening and powerful new insights"

Christine, UK

‘I was feeling very stuck on an issue in my personal life. Rachel as a very calm presence, so I found myself very quickly at ease with her. She is committed to helping you work through whatever challenges you are facing, while providing a safe and supportive environment in which to do it. The benefits have continued well beyond sessions. Thank you so much!

Sandra, New York

'Rachel is one truly amazing individual. She makes you feel right at home, safe and comfortable enough to open up and deal with your emotions and issues. Her calming and compassionate energy is lovely to work with and makes you feel hopeful and optimistic for the future. Rachel has given me immense strength to start opening my heart to others and start trusting myself.’

Debbie, Florida

‘I was feeling “stuck” and overwhelm consumed me every day. I needed to find peace and meaning again. Rachel has been a pure, authentic presence in my life these past months. I have felt safe to reveal my fears, insecurities and vulnerability without judgement. You have a gift and I have been touched and truly inspired by you! Please continue sharing that gift with others!’

Mel, San Francisco


1. Self R esponsibility - understanding the power of your words, thoughts, emotions, and actions, setting and maintaining boundaries and spiritual sovereignty; integrating the seemingly seperated parts of self back together.

2. Self O bservation - a process of watching yourself without judgement, letting disapproval thoughts and labels of good and bad pass by, non attachment, taking notice of what is happening within and without you with full honest awareness.

3. Self L ove - trusting in self. Setbacks, roadblocks, heartache are met with compassion, acceptance, kindness, and understanding. When you have not been true or nice to yourself, there is forgiveness.

4 . Self E xpression - is revealing who you really are, distinguishing yourself from others, speaking your truth and embracing the entirety of who you are, including your weaknesses, flaws and shortcomings. Embraces every part of you, your best and worst aspects.

" Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage " Anäis Nin

BREAKING YOURSELF FREE FROM CONDTIONED SELF SLAVERY AND STEPPING INTO TRUE SELF MASTERY IS POSSIBLE ......however, simply thinking only positive thoughts is never going to get you there.

So what will? Good question!

Self-acceptance, getting to know more of who you are, self-compassion and listening to your inner wisdom

It's about energy alignment; harmonizing your thoughts, feelings, language and actions. When you take action to shift your perspective, you reeducate your mind, your awareness expands and your personal vibrational frequency rises. Your ability to attract into your life what you wish to manifest improves because now you are living in the flow of life rather than in resistant to it.

F .A .Q

How do I know if the self healing and acceptance path is right for me?

Sign up for a connection call! Have a chat with me, ask your questions and see if we are a good fit for each other. If you got this far on the page, there is a chance you are resonating with something I have shared. Trust that guidance and sign up for a call!

We can decide on the call which package is the bet fit for you.

When is the next group coaching program ?

If you are interested in the 1YR Group Coaching Program please drop me an email and I will let you know of the next planned kick off date.

All group coaching calls will held on the first Tuesdays of each month from 16:00 - 17:30 CET /10:00 - 11:30 EST, and the last Friday of each month at 16:00 - 17:30 /10:00 - 11.30 EST. These times are chosen to try and accomodate everyone's schedule depending where they live in the world.

If you are unable to for any reason, you will recieve the recording of the session!

Are payment plans available?

Yes. There are options to pay per month.

I have a question that isn't listed here. Rachel, can you help?

Absolutely. Please email info@rachel-g.com!